Rebel with a cause
Even a long life is way too short when there is so much we humans want to get done.
So, every single morning I remind myself to go out there and really make it count and every single night I ask myself did I f*ck it up?, work out what I can learn from it and then I try really hard not to make the same mistake twice. Essentially, I just try to do my best and strive to be a better version of myself every day. But I am no Miss World entrant – quite apart from having no gap between my thighs – my unequivocal personal purpose is to…
‘live the absolute sh*t out of life and do my little bit to unf*ck the world.’
Working out what I wanted to be when I grew up was easy for
me. I HATE injustice. I HATE violence and cruelty. I am not a massive fan of
bullies or apathy either. I won life’s lottery and had the ludicrous privilege
of being born to my inimitable parents with my incredible sisters in a wealthy
and relatively stable part of the world. The moral compass they imbibed in us
and their generosity left us in no doubt at all that you are only ok if others
around you are ok too. As a result of that I have always wanted to help anyone
that didn’t luck out like I did – and have spent my whole working (and
volunteering) life trying to create lasting and meaningful positive change. I
love helping people and as I get older I realise that I am even more turned on still
by helping people who are trying to help people.
Ok – time to stop swearing* like a sailor (my grandad was one, so it is actually genetic!).

That’s the important stuff out of the way.
So now, this whole purpose business….I have been working in purpose (with a capital P) for 15 years and social justice for more than 30. I have worked with over 50 businesses from a dozen countries spanning several sectors to find their purpose and develop their purpose strategies.
But as Kendrick Lamar so wisely puts it, ‘Sit down, Be humble.’ I won’t list them because the success is theirs and I just played a very small part in their journey – they had teams of stunningly talented individuals who made amazing things happen – and some of those brilliant folk have now become my very best friends
Rather be an activist than a
I am utterly disinterested in (in fact, almost allergic to) raising my personal profile – I am not active on social media. I am
disinterested in status too. The most ‘senior’ people I have met are rarely the ones that I learnt the most from in life. I am only motivated by influencing for maximum impact but self-promotion leaves me absolutely cold.
I have no formal training or relevant qualifications – sure, I have a couple of degrees but Oxbow lakes and incremental policy making so rarely crop up day to day! I just think that ‘doing the right thing’ is about a large dose of moral courage with a side helping of common sense – but not lost on me that even Dexter professed to have a clear moral code!
So for me Purpose Punk is a calling – but it is also an attitude, an approach and a way of life.
Purpose needs punk
Punk is prepared to be original, sit on the periphery and zig when others zag.
Punks exists on its own terms, makes new rules and never hides behind excuses.
Punk is utterly irreverent. There is no corporate piffle, no jargon and strictly no BS.
(If the tone of voice isn’t your cup of tea, then frankly neither will I be! )
Punk isn’t defined by others – it stands on its own two feet.
Punk is as bold as it is daring and loves to stand out in a crowd.
Punk is the perfect companion for purpose because it never defends the status quo
And punk needs purpose….
Purpose is about always doing the right thing, not just the easy thing
Purpose is good natured – about kindness, compassion and levelling the playing field
Purpose is for everyone – all are welcome, included and encouraged to be themselves
Purpose is about innovation, opportunities and ideas, not just about managing risk
Purpose is about holding your nerve and speaking truth to power
Purpose is the perfect companion for punk because it really gives a sh*t
I am absolutely certain that when good natured purpose meets bad ass punk it’s time for some serious fun! So let’s get going….
* I don’t swear when I do speaking gigs.