Taking the plunge
In his book Greenlights, Matthew McConaughey points out that ‘once you have decided what to do, it’s when you do it – that’s the really hard decision’.*
I have been fortunate enough to work in purpose at the Virgin Group for the last 15 years. In late 2019 just prior to the COVID 19 pandemic I decided it was time to embark on a new adventure and reduce my time spent with the group to three days a week. That means I had four other days a week free and every time someone asked me what I was going to do with all that time I simply said, ‘help more people’ – in any and every way I can. And I smiled.
So by mid 2020 I decided to take the plunge and started to work with other businesses, charities, start-ups, leaders and employees to help them become more purposeful in their endeavours. Despite being a really rather anal planner it was actually a far more organic start. I was often called by former colleagues who asked for help. They had moved on in their careers and were now working in new organisations and wanted to inject more purpose into their work.
While this time of unprecedented global change was the right time for me to start my side hustle – clearly I wasn’t the only one – an extra 85,000 new businesses were launched in the UK in 2020. But for more than a decade prior to this I had already spent much of my spare time trying to help people to find their purpose, make more purpose driven decisions in their roles and increasingly to help them forge more purposeful careers. Now was simply the right time to go above the line.
Three years on I am hurtling towards 50 and am increasingly obsessed with having a more positive impact in my life. My inner activist – so lively in her student years and early 20s, calmed for a bit but is since radically reawakened and ready to run into battle to fight for a fairer and safer future for all – on this exquisite planet we get to call home.
I am not going to do 50 things before 50. I will just do this one. Launch Purpose Punk officially and use the platform to make mischief – the good kind, of course. I will though try to do 50 acts of sevice by 50 if I possibly can
Credit where it's due
My early foray as Purpose Punk has gifted me the opportunity to work with some brave, brilliant souls but I haven’t asked for any testimonials because as a general rule if I ever have favours to ask I try to always do it for someone else, never for myself. But it absolutely takes a village to launch a side hustle! And it is an obsession of mine that credit goes where it is ENTIRELY due.
I am surrounded by the most excellent tribe and so many have played a part in my journey (far too many to mention here but they will show up in later blog posts) – here I will just focus on those who specifically helped me to launch Purpose Punk and develop this tiny little site.
So, if you are thinking about doing something yourself then think about how all the cool cats in your life can help and then cling on to them as hard as Scrat holds onto his acorn at the beginning of Ice Age. And of course if you think I can pay the generosity I was shown forward then don’t hesitate to give me a shout.
For some reason I have written this list of the folk I think you need around you as Friends episode titles – the show ran form 1994 to 20004 which just goes to show that my finger is placed firmly on the pulse!
The one who really believed in you and helped you realise that you could …
Has. You were right. I was too comfortable. Thanks for our mind blowing chapter.
The ones who shared their wisdom and encouraged you that you should ….
Andy. You always make time and then really pay attention – you are a next level human.
Avis. Your generosity is limitless, your wisdom and warmth bigger still. Adopted family.
The one who rolled up their sleeves and got you off the blocks …
James. your friendship is everything. Thank you for getting me out of the gate and for excellent probing questions like ‘do you actually want anyone to visit this site?’ I love you.
The one that riffed with you endlessly and kept you authentically you …
Phoebe. Thanks for laughing and crying with me and bravo for being as brave and brilliant as you are beautiful. In your presence even Tin Man would discover that he had a heart!
The ones that you admired and listened to really hard to as your ideas evolved …
Alex. Thank you for making me follow the right rules! In work, and life. #poorfingers.
Dave. You told me that John Lydon said that ‘punk never won a thing’ but you are a punk that absolutely has! I am in awe at everything you have created – you are a giant talent. Yum!
Emily. Still giggling at you asking if I am a purpose catfish?! Your effervescence makes me fizz too. Your creativity knows no bounds, nether does your compassion.
Tom. You have no idea how often I ask what would Tom do?! I might even get it as a tattoo.
The one that worked through the night and got you over the line …
Dad** It really was Watermill 2.0 thank you for being insatiably curious, utterly obsessive and extraordinarily devoted to helping your girls.
The ones who gambled early and gave you a shot …
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Rosanne, Emma, Cilesta, Hannah, Danielle, David, Phoebe, Tracey and Amanda for taking the risk on me and for making work so much fun.
* Bloody love a pop culture reference rather than deferring to the obvious and expected sources that are so often quoted when it comes to the business landscape. Stay tuned for way more of those …
** The speed at which my Dad (aged 75 years young!) learnt to code using web resources and his AI assistants is absolutely astounding and reveals as much about his brilliance as it does that AI may very well steal all our jobs!