Author name: Charlotte

Who can you truly trust?

In Islam there is a hadith urging you to ‘trust in God but also tie up your camel’… Who can you truly trust? Full disclosure, I am a Scorpio – we are famously obsessed with trust. And rightly so! Trust must be the oldest currency us humans traded in. It would literally have been a […]

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Setting up a side hustle

My early foray as Purpose Punk has gifted me the opportunity to work with some brave, brilliant souls but I haven’t asked for any testimonials because as a general rule if I ever have favours to ask I try to always do it for someone else, never for myself. But it absolutely takes a village to launch a side hustle! And it is an obsession of mine that credit goes where it is ENTIRELY due.

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Why purpose needs punk

Ok – time to stop swearing* like a sailor (my grandad was one, so it is actually genetic!). That’s the important stuff out of the way. So now, this whole purpose business….I have been working in purpose (with a capital P) for 15 years and social justice for more than 30. I have worked with over 50 businesses from a dozen countries spanning several sectors to find their purpose and develop their purpose strategies.

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